Help re-open Williamson Rock

Take action and support the effort to re-open Williamson Rock to climbing.

“When it’s hot in the LA basin and you don’t want to drive to the Sierra, what could be better than some sport climbing in the cool Angeles National Forest at 6700 feet?” From the June 2005 issue of our SCMA Cliffnotes newsletter, announcing one of the club’s last trips to Williamson Rock.

The Angeles National Forest has released a draft environmental impact statement that proposes several options for re-opening Williamson Rock to climbing. This is the most progress we’ve seen in over a decade, and we are optimistic that with a strong show of support from the climbing community, this will lead to the reopening of this Southern California crag.

Please take 5 minutes to comment on this critical planning process using the Access Fund’s easy letter writing tool and encourage Angeles National Forest to re-open Williamson Rock to climbing. After filling out your contact information, the next page will provide suggested talking points to get you started. Click on the provided talking points or craft your own. Personal stories are powerful!


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